Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

(260) 244-6136, Ext. 3459

 1951 Class Newsletters

September 2, 2009


Two items:

First, a note from Bob Britain regarding the 2009 CCHS Homecoming appears below.

Second, a sadder announcement that we've lost another of our classmates.  Mae D. (Evans) Staley Blue died on August 13, 2009 in North Point, Florida after an extended illness.

Those of us who knew Mae remember that when we were in about the eighth grade she contracted Polio.  It was apparently considered a mild case then, and she made an almost complete recovery.  Our generation has learned, however that in most cases Polio returns in our later years and is very
debilitating.  This is what happened with Mae.  She had been very ill, confined to a wheel chair in recent years.

Her obituary in the C.C. Post of Aug 19 lists surviving relatives then continues:

"Burial services will be held will be held at Venice Memorial Gardens in Venice, Fla.,  A celebration of her life will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 7 at the Lakeside Chapel (across from the boat house) in Winona Lake.  Memorial donations may be made to Hospice."

Bob Brittain's note:

Dear CCHS graduate,

Columbia City High School’s 2009 Homecoming is September 18 and 19, 2009.  This year the Alumni Association and the High School will celebrate Homecoming with several activities.

Game night will start with a parade at 4:30; the Optimist Club will be helping the Band with its fish fry fundraiser from 5 until 7, and the usual Homecoming King and Queen and the Court will be announced at the football game.

On Saturday the 19th there will be a Florida scramble golf outing at Eagle Glen.  Golfers may start at either 8:15 or 1:15.  Click here for more info.  The event is open to all who love the game, not just CCHS alumni.  At noon there will be lunch for the golfers and a silent auction.  Those who aren’t golfers can join the crew and buy lunch for $10. Click here for reservation form.

The golf outing is a fundraiser for both the high school and the Alumni Association.

Here is how you can help:

1.  Do you have an antique tractor and wagon that you would drive for students to ride during the parade?

Call Bob Brittain @ 260-244-6136 ext 3227 or E-mail at

2.  Could your business be a hole sponsor for $100?  Click here for form

3.  Get a foursome and enter the golf outing.  $50 per golfer--$200 per team.  Click here for form

4.  Attend the CCHS Alumni Association Meeting—September 19 at 5:00 pm at CCHS cafeteria.

More details about Homecoming events are on the CCHSAA website. 
Click here. 

Bob Brittain (1964), President,
Columbia City High School Alumni Association

Best Wishes,

Bob Kellogg,
Greensboro, NC

© 2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association.  This page last updated 06/13/2012