Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

(260) 244-6136, Ext. 3459

 1951 Class Newsletters

June 8, 2009

Dear Classmates,

The class of 1951 met at Eagle Glen in Columbia City Thursday, June 4, as advertised.

The meeting was well attended with 22 class members present and we all had a great time!  Including spouses there were 37 at the dinner, so it was a good size for renewing old acquaintances.  Some attended from as far away as California.  Jim Pletcher was one of those, attending his first (!) reunion with his gracious wife, Susan.

Our master of ceremonies, Chick Harker, did his usual good job so the business part of the meeting moved quickly.   He read letters from Abby Crosby and Carol Heidenreich who were unable to attend, so each sent us an update.  And, this is a
good thing to remember.  In the future, if you can't make a reunion, send an update.

Dick Phend, who as you know, is President of the CCHS Alumni association, filled us in on their activities.  For a town and school of our size this is a very active group involved in assisting our professional teachers as they strive to improve the school system.  Our support is welcome and needed.

Helen Snapp read the names of 34 members of our class who are deceased.

The food was good and this year entertainment was provided by the "Delivery Boys".  They are five boys from CCHS who presented an excellent a Capella music program.  Their singing was good and their program just the right length.
Mrs. Munns would have been proud of them.

Charlene Beard, Corinne Fisher, Dean and Joan Grable and Tom and Lois Cormany were at the table with Ellen and I.  We had a lively conversation.  Charlene has moved back to Columbia City after many years in California.  Corinne reports that she's still working -- and, still skating whenever she can!

Our next reunion will be the summer of 2011, our 60th, it will be held around the same time of the year, so start thinking about attending now.

Oh, yes, if you send me an email, use my new address,  The old one no longer works.

Bob Kellogg
Greensboro, NC

© 2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association.  This page last updated 06/13/2012