Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

(260) 244-6136, Ext. 3459

 1951 Class Newsletters

July 9, 2006


Dear Classmates,

Our 55th reunion is history and it was great fun!!
Chick and Helen did their usual good job of getting us all together.  If I remember right, there were 49 attendees and 25 of them were classmates.  By my count, there are 61 members of our class still living. 
Chick served as our master of ceremonies.  (He didn't tell any jokes, although he said one of his kids had given him a joke book about 2 inches thick, so he'll be prepared for the next meeting).  Tom and Lois Cormany read the list of deceased members and said the invocation.  I believe there are now 37 class members no longer with us.  (If I'm misquoting any of these figures, someone correct me) 

We talked about the CCHSAA.ORG web site, and Graham Kleespie (remember little Graham?) and his wife came by with convenient forms.  One form was a "How to" for computer users and one was a personal information form for those who do not use a computer.  Almost half of our members have updated their information on the Web Site.

A small amount of business was transacted.  Dick Phend moved that Chick be made permanent President/Organizer of reunions.  Chick agreed on two conditions: (1) That Helen Snapp continue to help.  (2) That she not die before he does.  Helen agreed, the motion was seconded and passed. 

We also decided to have our reunions more frequently, on a 3 year, then 2 year schedule.  So, we will be able to get together more frequently while we're still able to, and, we will be celebrating every 5th year as well.

Letters were read from Sarah Ruth Brown and Marceil McElroy who were not able to attend.  Sarah and her husband are still recovering from an auto accident, and Marceil has had a serious bout with diabetes, and at the last minute her doctor said, "No flying". 
There was a professional photographer on hand who took pictures of the class, so there will be a permanent record of the occasion.
We sat eight at a table and had a good chance to chat.  My regret is that I didn't get to talk to all of my old friends.  But, I came away with a warm feeling that as a group, we've all contributed, each in his/her own way to the way of life that people enjoy today.  I'm very proud to be a part of the class of 1951. 
The class of 1956 was celebrating their 50th in the room next to us, so there were a few people who drifted back and forth greeting some of their old acquaintances.  And a good time was had by all!
Plan now to attend the next reunion in 2009!
Best Wishes.
Bob Kellogg
Greensboro, NC

© 2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association.  This page last updated 06/13/2012