1. Use the Tab key to move between blanks on
the entry form. Using Enter submits the profile to the
webmaster & you'll have to use the Back button to return to the form.
2. Enter full names whenever possible. This will help your
class reunion committee if they lose track of you in the
3. Include a way for classmates to contact you. Marking
your address, phone & email all private means classmates have no way to
contact you.
● If you don't care to include your
full address, you may enter
the city & state and mark the privacy option
for address No. Or, you can include your city & state in the
Notes section.
● If you don't enter an address or phone, mark the privacy
options for them No. Marking them Yes makes it appear
CCHSAA has your address and/or phone.
4. Consider including
info about what you did when still working if you're retired and about what you're doing
in retirement or outside of work, such as hobbies.
5. Check your email address
entry to make sure it's correct
before submitting. If your email address later changes, don't forget
update your profile with the new one.
6. When
entering a personal website address, include http:// before the rest of the address
so that the link in your profile will work properly. NOTE: A
personal website is different than your email address, which contains an @
in it.
7. The Alumni Database program does NOT
correctly process names with double capitals, such as McDonald.
It lowercases the second capital so that McDonald becomes
Mcdonald. Since the search function does not find a name with
double capitals, we're living with the problem until the next program
update. Our apologies to all alumni with double capitals!
Adding photos can be tricky. It's best to wait until your profile
has been approved & is online before uploading photos.
To print a blank form for handwritten Alumni Database entries,
click here. Use your browser's
Back button to return to this page. Before clicking on the link, there are a few things you need to know:
● The form is in Adobe PDF format, and many of you already have Adobe Reader on your computers.
If a window opens asking whether you want to download and install Adobe Reader,
answer yes. It is a free program and safe to download.
Depending upon your internet connection, the file may take a couple of
minutes to load.
● After you click on the link
above, an Adobe Reader window opens in your internet browser (such as
Microsoft Internet Explorer).
● To print the form, click on the printer icon in the Adobe Reader menu bar.
● To return to this page from
the form, click the Back
button on your browser.
● After completing the form
by hand, mail it to:
CCHS Alumni
600 N. Whitley Street
Columbia City, IN 46725
10. If you have problems, email the
webmaster by clicking here.
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