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Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

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CCHSAA Receives Historic Memorabilia

The Post & Mail September 5, 2006:

CCHS Alumni Association receives historic memorabilia

By Jennifer Zartman Romano, Community Editor

From left, CCHS Alumni Association Ambassadors Graham Kleespie and Rosalie Kleespie accept memorabilia from John R. Walter, Class of 1937 .


The Columbia City High School Alumni Association (CCHSAA) received its first gifts of donated historic memorabilia Friday afternoon - including a 1937 scrapbook and a 1954 senior blanket.

CCHSAA ambassadors Graham and Rosalie Kleespie were on hand to officially accept the items from local residents John R. Walter and Ronald D. Egolf.

Walter, a graduate of the Class of 1937, donated a scrapbook that was created by his late friend and classmate, Bob Overdeer.

The scrapbook is filled with euphemeria from their senior year including neatly folded luncheon napkins, party favors, calling cards, invitations, newspaper clippings, photographs and reminders of the days.

Walter was given the scrapbook several years ago and was pleased it could become part of the permanent collection of items being collected by the CCHSAA.

In addition, Walter donated his 1937 band letter, a letter he earned after four years of playing trombone at Columbia City High School.

Egolf donated a 1954 senior blanket he earned for lettering in six sports during his high school career. He earned three letters in track and three letters in football.
From left, CCHS Alumni Association Ambassadors Graham Kleespie and Rosalie Kleespie accept a 1954 senior blanket from Ronald D. Egolf, Class of 1954, and a small retracting pen. Egolf and Graham Kleespie were classmates in 1954.
In addition, Egolf donated a tiny, retracting pen that fit inside a keychain container. The pen was issued by coaches Barnum and Duffield in about 1953. I

These donated items will become part of a permanent collection of CCHS memorabilia and will eventually be on display.

For more information about donating an item to the CCHSAA, contact Jennifer Zartman Romano at 244-5153, ext. 213.

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