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Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

(260) 244-6136, Ext. 3459

CCJHS Choirs

Hey former CCHJS choir members 🎶 Mark your calendars!!

The Columbia City Church of the Brethren, 112 N. Washington St. Columbia City, IN, have graciously opened their doors to us. The performance will be Sept. 15, 2019 during worship service which starts at 10a.m.

There will be a small fee to help Connie cover the cost of the music that we can determine when we meet. We have just two rehearsals left: Sept. 7, 5-7p, and Friday evening Sept. 13 6-8p.

 If you can’t make it to the rehearsals because of scheduling conflicts, that’s fine. The songs are simple hymn arrangements, so just let us know so we can keep a “seat” for you and reserve a copy of music. (We still have not cemented an accompanist for rehearsals or the performance, so if you know of someone let us know).

Looking forward to seeing you and singing with you again!!! If you have any questions contact Andrew Ott or Jennifer Bills Sery.

Here is the link to our fb page:  


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© 2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association.   This page last updated 09/18/2019