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Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

(260) 244-6136, Ext. 3459



The 9th Annual CCHSAA Florida Brunch was held on Sunday, March 1, 2009, at the Jacaranda West Country Club in Venice, Florida, with the following in attendance:  Don Adams (57) and wife Barbara; Linda Sullivan Bayman (65) and husband Jim; Joan Schang Blaine (57) and friend Ed Hudson; Ruth Ann Bowie Davis 57; Nancy Kneller Farber (61); Gregg Goewert, Columbia City High School Principal, and wife Danielle; Ted Gruver (57) and wife Sue; Bill Kettelkamp (52) and wife Sue; Jackie Kilty (57); Rosalie Farber KIeespie (57) and husband Graham KIeespie (54); Jim Kyler (57) and wife Sandra; Marilyn Binder Miller (5O); Tom Nelson (58) and wife Kathie; Richard Phend (51) and wife Marthene Wiley Phend (55); Gerri Kneller Sparks (60); Belle Jenkinson Washburn (55); Don Wineland (53) and wife Eileen; Marlin Worden (57) and wife Imgard; Greg Woodham 56); Joe Yoder (57) and wife Dee.  Don Wolfe (73) was unable to attend.

Guests arrived at 11:00 a.m. and spent time reminiscing and visiting with other alumni.  Founder and Past President of the Alumni Association, Ted Gruver (57) welcomed all present and the Invocation was given. Brunch was served at 12:00 noon followed by a social time. A fifty-fifty raffle was held and the winner was Nancy Kneller Farber, who generously returned her winnings of $60.00 to the Florida Brunch fund.

Richard Phend (51) gave an update on Columbia City High School Alumni Association.  Richard, as Past President of the Alumni Association, indicated he is working on membership along with present President, Bob Brittain (64).  Please check the Alumni Association web site for further information at www.cchsaa.org.

Greg Woodham shared his memories of spending his young years in a prisoner of war camp in the Philippines with his mother while his father served in the armed forces. His mother taught school while they were there.

Gregg Goewert, CCHS Principal, was the guest speaker.  Mr. Goewert said his mission is to make Columbia City High School the "Greatest High School in America."  Mr. Goewert enthusiastically told of his newly acquired position and shared his vision for Columbia City High School in the next several years.  He was very complimentary of his superiors and his staff and answered questions from the floor.  Mr. Goewert and wife were houseguests of Ted and Sue Gruver of Naples, Florida, for the weekend.

The tenth anniversary CCHS Alumni Florida Brunch will be held on Sunday, March 7, 2010.  A possible three or four-day cruise could be arranged if enough interest is expressed.  If not, it will be held at the Jacaranda West Country Club in Venice, Florida.

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© 2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association.           This page last updated 08/06/2012