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Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

600 N. Whitley St.
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The sixth annual CCHSAA Florida Brunch was held on Sunday, March 5, 2006, at the Jacaranda West Country Club in Venice, Florida.  This event was attended by 61 alumni, spouses and guests.  Graduates from 1936 to 1967 enjoyed enjoy the day.


After a time of registration and renewing friendships, Ted Gruver, Class of

1957 and President of the CCHSAA, welcomed all present.  Ted and his wife Sue, have hosted and organized the Florida Brunch for the past six years.

The tables were decorated with maroon and gold balloons by Sara Coy Marr (51) and her husband, Larry.  The CCHSAA banner hung on the wall.

Invocation was given by Vernon Trier (1943) followed by a moment of silence for our departed classmates, as well as those who were ill and unable to be with us.  Bill Kettelkamp (1952) called the tables to the brunch table and the abundant, attractive buffet was enjoyed by all.


Following the brunch, Ted Gruver (1957) gave an overview of the newly designed CCHSAA website.  The webmaster for this website is Brenda Reeg Robison (1960), who has done a tremendous amount of work entering all graduates from CCHS.  The website officially opened June 15, 2005.  Many graduates have registered on the website.  For those graduates who have not registered, please go to www.cchsaa.org and click onto Alumni Database to enter your information.  Ray Bechtel, Class Coordinator for the Class of 1957, asked for alumni to consider being a Class Coordinator for the alumni association to help distribute information regarding the association news as well as help with the coordination of class reunions.  It is a great way to keep in touch and reminisce with old and new friends.


Tom Felger (1957) talked about his experiences and a little history concerning marathon running.  Tom has run marathons for a number of years, including the Boston Marathon.


Bob Hall (1957) talked about "Never top Dreaming of Ideas and Opportunities to Experience."  Bob related several dreams he has had over the years and

how he came to bringing them to fruition, one being flying his airplane and another restoring his 1957 John Deere Tractor.

A group photo of all in attendance was taken after a great afternoon of renewing old and making new friendships and reminiscing fun times at CCHS.

Those in attendance were:


Don Adams (1957) and wife Barbara

Bill Anderson 1946)

Ray Bechtel (1957) and wife Jan

Regina Hawthorne Blanchard (1953)

Ruth Ann Bowie Davis (1957)

Larry Farber (1961) and wife Nancy Kneller Farber (1961)

Tom Felger (1957) and wife Bonnie

Jim Gambrell (1956) and wife Carol

Ted Gruver (1957) and wife Sue

Bob Hall (1957) and wife Mardell Feit Hall (1957)

Fern Herr Heidenreich (1945) and daughter Linda

Vonna Loxley Hoffman (1951) and husband, Dick (1952 South Whitley)

Bill Kettelkamp (1952) and wife Sue

Jackie Kilty (1957)

Graham Kleespie (1954) and wife Rosalie Farber Kleespie (1957)

Betty Pence Loe (1940) and husband Stanley

Marcia Loe Ellis & husband, daughter and son-in-law

Sara Coy Marr (1951) and husband Larry

Pat Puckett Martin (1956)

JoEllen Adams McConnell (1957)

Marilyn Binder Miller (1950)

Garnet Bridegam Pettigrew (1947) and husband Jack (1945 Coesse)

Dick Phend (1951) and wife Marthene Wiley Phend (1955)

Doris Schrader Pittinger (1939) and husband Talbert Pittinger (1936 Coesse)

Ellen Pence Randall (1940)

Annadean Schrader Mosher (1939)

Fred Shinneman (1966) and wife Christy

Jene Simon (1956) and wife Jean Seivers Simon (1956)

Betty Gephart Specht (1953)

Nancy Ramp Stamper (1952)

Dick Tenney (1943) and wife Kathy

Vernon Trier (1943) and wife Mary Grant Trier (1944)

Jim and Shirley Warren, guests

Jerry Wigent (1955) and wife Karen Fenker Wigent (1967)

Sharon Bates Wolf (1957)

Joe Yoder (1957)


Harley Nelson (1943) and wife Jean were unable to attend due to illness.


Keep checking the CCHSAA website for future dates of CCHS alumni gatherings and class news.


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© 2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association.           This page last updated 08/06/2012