Class of 1971
Celebrates Its 50th Reunion

The Reunion Committee would like to
thank all 83 classmates, 6 teachers (and 50 guests) that joined us for our
50th Class Reunion on 8-21-21. For those
that weren’t able to attend, we missed seeing you and very much hope to
see you at future reunions.
As a point of reference, 14 classmates
came from out of state (mostly FL) and 20 classmates and 13 guests had to
cancel last minute due to unexpected circumstances. Our class
originally had 325 members, 44 have passed away and 36 were unreachable
with the personal info we could find.
The main event was held at the 4H
Community Center, but activities took place all weekend. Washington
Center classmates met at Big G’s for breakfast on Friday morning.
Ann Taylor Krider hosted a get together Friday evening for Coesse
Classmates, and Mary Rose Ray also hosted a get together at her home for
Columbia Township.
A tour of the new high school was
arranged by Janet Sheets Hindbaugh on Saturday morning with many
classmates attending. The tour was led by Brady Mullett and
enjoyed by all.
Saturday night the doors opened at 5:30
and our time together went by too fast. Beer and wine was catered by
Laura Mowrey Wall. Food was catered by Darleen & Doug Wright – John
& Deb Hilligoss and Janet Sheets Hindbaugh. Flowers came from Janet
and Laura’s gardens and floral arrangements were made by Janet.
Music playlist was done by Laura’s Grandson, Zeke – who also helped us out
with “all things technical”. Janet’s granddaughters and their
friends served up soft serve ice cream! Chuck’s Sister and Nancy’s
Sister also came to help decorate, and Julie’s husband Jim helped with
catering. It was definitely a family affair.
The night began with classmates getting
reacquainted and viewing memorabilia. On display were 8th Grade
School class photos from each grade school, CCJHS yearbooks, Senior class
graduation cap and gown, a copy of “The Eagle” which included our Last
Will & Testaments and Gary Ander’s Honor Blanket. Our “In
Remembrance” poster was featured with the name and picture of the 44
classmate’s that have sadly passed away. A poster honoring our 13
Military Veterans was also on display, and lastly, a projector screen was
set up to enjoy viewing over 100 photos from our high school days
throughout the night.
After enjoying a lovely meal, our Master
of Ceremonies “Mark Lindemood” took charge. Chairwoman of the
reunion, Nancy Sheets, was recognized for her many hours of work and
dedication in putting together the evening. Ann Taylor Krider read a
poem selected from the 1970 Upsilon, written by Becky Martin Walter as a
prelude to honoring the deceased classmates. Mark and Ann then read
the names of the deceased. A recognition of classmates who served in
the military was presented by Mark. Teachers and their guests were
acknowledged and thanked for their years of teaching at CCJHS.
(Attending teachers were, Sheldon Bixler, Jayne Bockman, Dan Dorman, Bob
Fahl, Bill Stroup and Bill Wilder)
A parody of “Proud Mary” was arranged by
Laura Mowrey Wall and presented in a lip sync/dance routine with Chuck
Winkler dressed as Tina Turner. Back up dancers included Laura
Mowrey Wall, John Hilligoss, Kathy McCoy Carr, Robert Salesman, and Ann
Taylor Krider. Trivia games with questions about our high school
years were placed at each table to be used as “ice breaker/discussion
starters”. Awards were presented to the tables with the most correct
answers. Individual class members were also awarded “1971 Trivia”
booklets based on their responses to personal questions. The class
then joined in singing new words to the tune of “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog”,
written by Ann Taylor Krider.
The evening joyfully continued with time
for many photographs and even more precious was the time that we were then
able to mingle and catch up with friends old and new.
Concluding our weekend of events was a
fun golf match Sunday morning arranged by Robert Salesman.
Completing all 18 holes, was Mick Sweeney, Brad Nelson and Sarah Fahl
Tester! Robert Salesman,
Mark Parker and Don Jetmore, however, decided that it was time for a beer
after 9 holes!
They did have a good excuse, as it was extremely hot and humid.
Nevertheless, many good stories were told and their time together was full
of laughter.
With the many uncertainties of 2021, we
are thrilled that so many classmates, teachers and guests were able to
participate in what truly was a celebration of life and also to reflect on
the joy of simpler times, fun memories and cherished friends from many
years ago. Also, Indiana August weather didn’t disappoint. It
couldn’t have been more perfect all weekend long, with a full moon to top
it off!
Lastly, if you would like to stay in
touch with many of your class members and see announcements and pictures
from this reunion (and past reunions), please join our PRIVATE Facebook
Group page: Columbia
City Joint High School-Class of 1971
Another memorable event has now been
added to the history books of the CCJHS Class of 1971!
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